How to Boil Rice
Rice is pretty simple to cook, yet a few people struggle with it. Have you wondered why? The reason is very simple — either they overcook it, undercook it, or burn it.
If you’ve ever done any of such things with rice, you’re not alone! But it doesn’t mean that you can’t cook rice perfectly. We’re here to help and walk you through a step-by-step guide to cooking perfect rice — not mushy, not sticky, but perfect fluffy rice.
Do you remember your grandmother cooking rice in a pan/pot on an Indian soil stove (mitti ka chulha)? Well, we will discuss the same method in detail in this post.
So, here we go……………
Always rinse your rice before cooking
Rinsing is the method of washing away impurities in rice. The rice grain you obtained from the market may contain several impurities caused during harvesting, polishing, and packaging. Rinsing rice removes soluble impurities and cuts the amounts of chemical compounds that may not be fit for the human body.
During the rinsing, you may require transferring the rice to a bowl and rinsing it with water until it runs clear.
Rinsing and straining it in a mesh strainer is the easiest technique you can think of. When you run water over the rice gain, agitate them using your hands to clean them.
When the water runs clear, it means that the rinsing is done.
Consider soaking your rice before cooking
Once the rice is rinsed, it’s time to come to the next step — soaking. Soaking refers to the process of wetting the rice in water for 30 or little more minutes. It provides a few benefits like — soaking shortens the cooking time. In addition, it hydrates the rice grains, so the amylose and amylopectin in the starch granules swell up after absorbing the water.
In terms of long-grained rice, such as basmati rice, the fragrance improves after soaking as it shortens the cooking time, so the aroma doesn’t get lost while cooking.
Boil the water before cooking
Boiling water before cooking rice may sound simple to you. But there is a logical and scientific reason behind it.
Adding soaked and drained rice in boiling water ensures the rice granules do not stick together. This method is called the pasta method.
Once the water is boiled, add drained rice and let it cook for a few minutes. Cover the lid and stir the rice in between to avoid burning.
Drain the excess water
After the rice grains become al dente, remove the excess water using a mesh strainer. Cover the lid again after draining the water and let it rest for ten minutes.
Fluff the rice grain using a fork or spoon.
Water-rice ratio
One doesn't have to measure out the exact amount of water to be added to rice. But you can consider the water-to-rice ratio for your convenience.
All you have to do is fill the pot with water, boil it and add the rice. Or, you can add 3-4 cups of water for each cup of rice.
Now you know how to boil rice and make it perfect! If you have any other method, let us know in the comment section.
For quality basmati rice, you can contact the top rice exporters in India. Jashn Foods is one of the leading basmati rice suppliers in India, famous for authentic rice.